Our Specialists

Project Delivery

Our team of experienced project managers are the first people to sit down with you and understand the in’s and out of your business. These are people who have spent a lot of time in various industries and understand which processes are integral to a business and are able to have a macro and micro outlook in terms of process improvement and business functions. They help narrow down what solutions are possible and determine the implementation path, keeping the intended outcome in mind.

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Hardware Specialist

When the work has begun, and an upgrade plan has been formulated, our hardware specialist comes in to determine what tools are needed for the job. Their main concern is the meeting of requirements within the client budget and within the parameters of the performance as fleshed out in the upgrade plan. They look after the nitty gritty of the tech, so you do not have to. They take care of selection, setup and testing in the most unobtrusive way possible.

Product Lead

After the install has been completed, our product lead comes in. They help you understand the system and its business implications. This is to help you get acquainted with the nuances of the solution implemented and help provide initial training. Furthermore, the product lead will ensure your customer (end-user in many cases) is nurtured for additional consumption of qualified solutions and products.

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We have a team of expert and highly capable developers standing by to take care of any issues that may arise in providing updates and support to the software. They also manage the day to day maintenance and security.


We provide adequate amount of resources to you and your team in the form of physical initial training upon installation and further ongoing need-based support. This is also supplemented by a wealth of documentation of every product and their respective features. We aim to have you not only up and running but also proficient in the shortest time possible.


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